Dear Mr. Covell,
Since I found Mr. Buhrman was submitting my advertising copy to the Aeolian-Skinner Co. for their approval, I have had no dealings with him, cancelled advertising and subscription to American Organist. He was naïve enough to tell me of this unethical behavior, not knowing it was unethical.
Richards is an ass. All recitalists who play anything worthwhile are in no trouble for listeners. Thomas Webber at every recital given has a full church and 24 to 25 hundred in the Memphis Auditorium, at every recital. The Cathedral is packed when Virgil Fox plays my organ there. Catherine Crozier has packed houses wherever she plays.
You can find no precedent nor parallel anywhere, at any time, for minimizing the unison tone especially Diapasons, the pitch indicated in the score, outside the present time here in America. First the Mighty Wurlitzer, all unison and no top, now the mighty squeal, all top and no unison, both by Englishmen, Hope J. and Harrison. Germanic Museum, also Tanglewood, by another Englishman, E. Power Biggs. The Boston Symphony had nothing to do with it. This is all I have time for now — leaving for Richmond Va. today.
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