Ernest M. Skinner


THE Ernest M. Skinner™ Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to scientific research and education to preserve and promote technical knowledge of American pipe organ building from 1865- 1941, by firms including but not limited to: Skinner, Æolian, Austin, Moller, Kimball, Casavant, Welte, Estey, Gottfried, Dennison, Hope-Jones, and Wurlitzer.

Historical Publications

Stop, Open & Reed – A Periodical Presentation of Pipe Organ Progress (1922-29)

Publisher: Skinner Organ Company, Boston, MA

Primary Source Documents

Scientific Analysis Data for Pipe Organs

This collection provides auditory and mechanical analysis data to facilitate scientific study of pipe organs. Unless otherwise noted, all material provided is subject to the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.